Sunday, May 13, 2012

Genetics Review Activity Your Mendelian genetics test is tomorrow March 23, 2012. The following material will be on the test. Please follow the instructions below to help you review. Participation credit for the review activity will be given. Receiving full credit will require you to participate fully in your group discussion and to remain on task. Since this is a review activity, do not get upset if you miss a problem or question. Instead focus on why you missed the question so that you have a clear understanding of the content for tomorrow's test. Terms: true-breeding, hybridization, monohybrid cross. P generation, F1 generation, alleles, dominant, recessive, law of segregation, law of independent assortment, homozygous, heterozygous, genotype, phenotype, dihybrid cross, trihybrid cross, incomplete dominance, codominance, multiple alleles, sex-linked traits, sex-influenced traits, epistasis, linked genes, polygenic traits Review your definitions with a partner. You should give your partner the term and have your partner provide the definition. For those terms that involve working a genetics problem, be able to apply them to solving genetics questions. Explain the relationship between Mendel's laws and dihybrid and trihybrid crosses. Explain the multiplication and addition rules and how they can be used to solve genetics problems Review example problems from both activities. Understand how to use Chi-square to solve a genetics problem. Go back to the genetics problems link that you used last week. Rework the problems you had difficulty with. You will not see these same exact problems on your test, but the problems on your test will be of the same type. Your test will be given on Quia and will consist of a combination of multiple choice, short answer, and extended response questions.

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